Friday, October 17, 2008

Going to See Dan & Ashley this weekend

Tomorrow Karen and I will be taking a quick-hitter trip to Wichita to see Ashley and Dan. These quick easy trips work best for Karen and I as we are both fighting wellness issues. It's going to be well worth it to see Ashley and Dan.
I had a scary experience on my new bike. I was out riding on a country two-lane to try to recover some of my past fitness. The road was quiet and rural. There is a sharp left bend in the road. As I cut the corner to maintain speed, this young man in a big, old pick-up fills my view. It was totally my fault (the disease has messed with my left peripheral vision). He slams on his brakes and moves to the right of the road. I jackknife the bicycle and wobble across the road inches in front of him and into the ditch. I never even fell off but we were both pretty shaken up. Thank God this young man was a responsible driver. I can still see myself vaulting over his grill. He turned around and came back to check if I was ok. I told him I was (I didn't mention my soiled drawers, lol). I was a lot more scared (I think he was too) then I let on. We wished each other well and went on our ways.
I learned an important lesson about where and how I should ride. I could have gotten killed except for the Grace of God and this young man's driving skills.
Be careful out there, all of you!


DanL said...

It was good seeing you and Karen yesterday, and I was pleased to be able to finally show you around Fleeson's offices so you can see where I spend my days (and sometimes nights) rather than just telling you about it. I wish I hadn't had to work so I could have joined you all and Ashley for lunch and such.

We're also looking forward to seeing you on the 26th. I'll bring my bike, if you're game, and we'll get a ride in. I miss riding in rural areas - we live so close to the center of Wichita that it's just not happening down here. I don't miss close calls such as the one you describe, though, thankfully, I've never had one quite that close.

Take care,

Danielle said...

Hi John,

Just wanted to let you know that we've been thinking lots about you and Karen lately! Love you!


Anonymous said...


Kim and I have been thinking about you and hope to see you and Karen soon. Please think aboout coming to dinner in the next few weeks if you are able. We would love to have you both and would love for Megan to meet you! Give us a call or shoot me an email at