Sunday, November 16, 2008

John & Karens' Week

Hello, my friends (and no, I'm not trying to paraphrase John McCain). In my humble opinion, that guy just couldn't generate the charisma to compete.
Karen and I hope you are satisfied with the election results. Me, I don't really enjoy debating politics with people who disagree with me. I am not a political animal. Some people like it, though. To me, we're all a bit like Tom Cruise, as described by Jack Nicholson, in A Few Good Men:"[We] can't handle the truth." Nor are we interested in doing so, really.
Today was a beautiful November day in the 50s. Karen and I worked on winterizing the lawn. Karen worked harder than I did. I use my weakness from chemotherapy as an excuse for taking it easy. Karen will buy this for the most part and, frankly, it is based in truth. My seizure a few weeks ago may have been, in part, a response to fatigue from the prior day's strenuous work. I have also put on 6 lbs since therapy began. Another result of taking it easy (and eating well).
My 14 1/2 year-old pup (a Cairn Terrier, you know, like Toto, named Katy), is fast asleep between Karen and I and that's telling me it's time for sleep.
More soon.


Lil A said...

Glad to see a new post! We are looking forward to seeing you and mom when you come down on the 25th for the big move, and of course on Turkey Day :). We'll have to do some coffee that Friday (and we'll squeeze some coffee in when you come down next week). We're thinking about you, and glad to hear that you are taking full advantage of rest and relaxation-- Enjoy the nice weather we're going to have, this week-- and be sure to have some chocolate ;).
We'll see you next Tuesday!
Love you!
Lil A

Martha said...

Hi John,

It was great to to talk to you on Sat. I, too, am looking forward to see you guys next week. I really looking forward to the sibling lunch. I am not sure we have done that in many years!

I am looking forward to having everyone together.
Love to you both, Martha