Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Angels Among Us 5k

Thank you, Danielle, for your report on the Angels Among Us 5k. You and the rest of John's Team are amazing. The support you have raised is truly impressive ($610). To quote my favorite musician (Yes, Ashley and Bob, by that I mean Todd Rundgren), "You can't stop, you can't stop, you can't stop ... love in action!" Ok, so I'm a 70s-style liberal at heart.

I have been feeling so strong and energetic this week with the radiation behind me, I can't help but feel I am beating this disease.

I was very sad to hear about Senator Ted Kennedy's own battle with brain cancer, as the news broke today. He and I have a difficult battle ahead of us with this dreaded disease. I have relative youth and more of an early start in my battle with glioblastoma than he can hope for. Whatever your politics may be, you must admit he is the great Liberal Lion of the Senate and a very important and effective legislator. I pray for his recovery as well as my own.


Danielle said...


We have been sending many strength vibes your way so it's looks like you have been catching them! : ) We would love it if you, Karen, Ashely, and Dan could come out for the Angels Among Us 5K next year -- we could double the size of our team!

Stay strong and know that we love you.


Lil A said...

Hey John!
Glad that I have internet now and can FINALLY post again! :). I am glad to see that Todd has managed to finally find his way into your blog (I've been waiting). "Todd is god!" ha ha!
Well, we miss you here and pray for you every day. Looking forward to coffee next Saturday!

Lil' A

DanL said...

Like Ashley said -- we've finally got internet. It's good to be able to read the blog again. It and my grades (which are still not in!) were the first things I checked when I was able to get online.

Danielle, it might be worth the trip. My gait's . . . unique. So, I'm sure I could amuse some folks. I'm not sure, though, that a handful of chuckles would burn off the bad karma I'm sure to earn when the sight of my beet-red, sweaty, snotty face traumatizes all the children present.