Saturday, May 10, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day!

I decided to try my hand at this blogging deal because today is an important day. Today is John's last day of radiation and then they will get a well deserved break. I have talked with John and Karen several times this week and know they are looking forward to this short vacation in the treatment process. They have a doctor's appointment at the end of his radiation treatment this afternoon. I have included Karen because she has been John's chauffeur to all his treatments.

It is a beautiful time of year so I am so glad they will get a change in the routine for about 4 weeks. Dan will graduate next Saturday from Washburn Law School, a huge accomplishment and something they can all celebrate together. Ashley and Dan will move to Wichita in the next few weeks as well. A big change for all those involved.

It has been gorgeous this year in the Ozarks, the rivers and ponds are full, the Dogwoods are outstanding, and we are getting ready for summer. Greg will graduate from junior high and is going to the high school to work part time after being a class room teacher for 31 years. This is another huge accomplishment. This would have been our parent's 60th anniversary on May 15th and it is Mother's day.

I have done much reflecting on my family since John was diagnosed with cancer. He has taught me about faith and grace, friends and extended family members have been so supportive and the out pouring of encouragement and love has been so steady. Please don't stop as we are only part way through this "trophy run".

Love your family as we all need each other, forgive each other as we all make mistakes and appreciate each gorgeous day. These are the lessons I am learning from my little brother.
Love to all, Martha


Danielle said...

Your words are so true Martha. Thanks for putting them out there for us to read.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms in the family!

John, we hope you had a restful weekend and don't forget how much we love you.


DanL said...

I agree with Danielle. Thanks for the well-written, thought-provoking post. And congratulations, Greg.

Take care,

Lil A said...

I couldn't have said it better. What a beautiful post. This whole experience has taught me much about what is important.


The Little Sister said...

Thanks for your wonderful post Martha.

We have so much to celebrate - Dan's graduation with superb honors, Greg's career change, Kim's new baby, Laura's student teaching; I could go on...

And, John's amazing progress through this bump in the road. I am glad that mask has been put to rest. I learn from you everyday, and continue to listen...

Happy Mother's Day to all the wonderful women in this family who have mothered me through my journey!

Greg said...

I get an email "quote for the day" each day. Here is today's. Seems to fit Martha's post.

Every time you express gratitude or compassion for any aspect of yourself or someone else, you breathe life in.

Mariah Fenton Gladis
Tales of a Wounded Healer