Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hello and a Thanks

Congratutions to Ashley for getting raves from her employers. Ashley was runner-up for a national recognition award for her superlative performance at work. I know you're bound for greatness! Karen and I are very proud of you!
I now have my wireless router back, thanks to a Netgear tech from India. Ramesh talked me through the fix where others had failed. The Geek Squad guy, for instance, suggested a new router. I am delighted to have my wireless router back to full functionality. I told Ramesh he was my hero but he said, "It's nothing...that's what I'm paid to do." This in spite of the fact that there was no warranty because I hadn't returned the card. What service! and for no cost.


Lil A said...

Hey thanks for the kudos :)-- I wasn't exactly "runner up" but was still a nominee, so yea me, or something! LOL. Dan and I hope you guys will get down to see us soon--eat some chocolate and keep up your strength; I'm looking forward to the next time we can do coffee. Now, back to work for me!
Lil A'

Dan said...

Ever since my nighmarish experiences in the trenches at LaGarde I have - and hope to always have - a huge soft spot for phone techs. So, I'm glad you were nice to Ramesh and I know you brightened his day.

Ashley and I are looking forward to seeing you and Karen, and soon. Take care until then.

Danielle said...

Hey John,

Great to see you back on here and congrats to Ashley!

When will you and Karen be in Durham next?
