Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Cut Backs!

Hello Family and Friends,

There have been lots of ups and downs since the last post on John's Trophy Run. Right after Thanksgiving and our wonderful family reunion, John had a serious chemotherapy treatment. His Temador was increased by 50% so the recovery cycle was as tough as the treatment. He also developed an eye infection that required medication to get through. All the while, he had an infusion of the Avastin every other week.

John and Karen celebrated Christmas at home with Ashley, Dan and Justin. Good thing we didn't suggest another family reunion! I talked with Karen several times about the upcoming trip to Duke. Do they go? Do they try to reschedule? Do they put off? Questions and more questions!

Well, they did go to Duke and got GREAT NEWS!!!
Dr. V, as they affectionately call the specialist, was able to tell them that there have been improvements in John's MRI, AND they want to cut back some of the medication. John is happy about that. This was especially good news as the seizure meds make him tired and not as alert as he loves to be.

During this past week, John had another round of Temador . The dose was reduced from the last round and, while it wasn't without some complications, he is recovering slowly and surely. This week John will be able to take a week off and gain some strength.

The news from Duke is the best hope for the New Year! It promises to be the beginning of a wonderful 2009! YEA! MORE CUT BACKS!


The Little Sister said...

thanks for updating the site!

Hooray for excellent treatment!

love you all

Martha said...

You are so welcome! I thought everyone should know the good news

Love, Martha