Monday, July 28, 2008

My Birthday

Thanks to you all for all the kind cards and 50th birthday wishes. My 50th birthday was Saturday (July 26) and was a close-knit family affair with Justin and Ashley here to join in the celebration. Thanks Ashley and Justin. Dan, I know you wanted to be here but we understand your dedication to your Bar Exam study. Best of luck to you. We have every confidence you'll do very well.
To all of you, wour thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. Remember, 50 is the new 30. I am going to try to live that motto. You all make it look easy with your graceful way of aging and of growing up (for you youngsters - that's everyone younger than me!).
Dan and Ashley, I love the bicyling singlet you got me for my birthday! Here I am dressed as the Lion of Flanders. C'est tres formidable! I think it looks good on me.
Thanks for the birthday dinner, Justin. It is always very special when you're here.
Thanks to Martha and Greg for our Anniversary Dinner. We loved having you and it was fun watching the Alp D'Huez climb with you live. We always love your visits.
Thanks and love to you all!


Lil A said...

Hey John!
glad to see we made it (although I look pregnant :S) At any rate, you look schnazy -- all Professional Bike Racer an all! Well, Dan and I are really excited that you're off to Duke! They'd better get ready up there; I don't think they're ready to have Mark Spitz himself ;) LOL!
wish Dan luck, he takes the BAR tomorrow! Glad we were able to make it Saturday-- look forward to seeing you when I drop Dan and Justin off. Don't forget that everything's better with chocolate!

Love ya!
Lil A

The Little Sister said...

Happy Birthday to my OLDER brother!I agree with Ashley, you look schnazy! Where'd you get those muscular legs, and where can I buy some? Looking forward to Yellowstone - 3 more days for us.
Mary Anne
PS - Ashley, we'll miss you!

Martha said...

Hi John,

You are so right! You look marvelous in the jersey and it looks great with your hat!

Thanks for sharing those pics.
We are getting excited here as well. Checking things off the to do list! See you all on Sunday.

Love, Martha