Monday, July 7, 2008

Pulse Chemo - 2nd Round

Hi. I began pulse chemotherapy 2nd round today. It was a bit rough. There was considerable nausea today. Let's just say I purged my tummy about as well as it can possibly purge. This happened with round one too and it passed quickly and didn't really recur. We hope for a similar reaction this time. Karen had our doctor fill a prescription to treat my nausea related to the chemo today. It really helped. If this medicine continues to work like this, the rest of the week will get easier and easier. We'll let you know how it does.

Check out the pics we took of the 4th of July celebration in Collins Park, here in Topeka. It was very good to see some old friends like Mary Anne's friend Brent, Ann, the McInerney's and their families, Noel & Scott and some friends from our church as well.
Katy got a star turn at the 4th of July celebration as well. There was a French film crew taking video of American small-town neighborhood festivities. I think they caught a couple of shots of Katy. We hope so!!


DanL said...

The first picture of Katy is particularly priceless.

Not that it needs to be said (or, for that matter, that you would do otherwise), but hang in there. I'm sure it's miserable, and Ashley said you're feeling pretty out of it today, but Ashley and I both know - and I mean it when I say it - you're bigger than this thing in every way. Soon we'll be in Yellowstone, drinking beer and chasing - or being chased by - critters.;)

Take care,

Danielle said...

Hey John - Sorry to hear that this week has been rough. We know you still remain strong though and will get through the miserable nausea! We've been having a great time with Martha and Greg this week. We hope you and Karen will get to make a visit sometime soon too. Hang in there!

Love you,

Lil A said...

Hey J!
Just wanted to say hello, and let you know we are anxiously waiting for a new post! ;).

See you on your birthday!
Love you!
Lil A