Saturday, June 21, 2008

1st Week of Pulse Chemo

I just finished my first "off week" of pulse chemo. This means I was off chemo this week and I'll be off for the next two weeks. Then I do back on double-dose chemo for 5 days, then off, repeat, etc.
I didn't think the this new dose level of Temodar was having much physical effect on me but I can nap during the day like I never have before. It is very therapeutic. I'll lay down after lunch and the next thing you know, it's late afternoon. I don't do this every day but I can if I need to. I am sure it's doing good things for me.
I hope you're all having a great summer so far. Karen and I miss seeing as much of Ashley and Dan as we used to. They have been back a couple of times to see us and Dan's family and to finish their move. We hope to maybe see them next weekend.
I hope you're all getting ready for our trip to Yellowstone. I have my eye on a pair of Gore-Tex hiking boots. I think they're a necessity. I will be out there pounding the pavement in the next couple of months to get in condition for the Cascade Canyon hike, the Lost Lake hike, whatever. I hope you're up for it too.


Martha said...

Hi John,

I am trying to keep in shape myself.

Personally, I think a nap sounds like a grand idea.

Thinking about you,
Love, Martha

Danielle said...

Hi John,

I'm so sad I won't be able to join you all in Yellowstone. I hope you guys have a wonderful time!!


Phil said...

Hey John, the naps sound great, enjoy them. I can't give any advice on Yellowstone but if you head to Glacier, do let me know. Excellent idea to get started hiking before you get there. Saves blisters and sore muscles. I hope that you take my wonderful godson (Andrew) on a long, beautiful hike up there.
