Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My Week

Hope everything is well with all of you. Karen and I are enjoying the warm-up in the weather. There has been some active weather around here and we're dodging thunderstorms and humid conditions.
It was great to see Ashley and Dan back in Topeka for the weekend. We hoped they enjoyed dinner with us. I know we did. They are still moving odds and ends to Wichita. We miss seeing them every day but they seem to be very happy in Wichita. They also seem to be adjusting well to life in the "Ta".
Kim brought her lively kids over to see me last Friday. Brian and Laurie joined us for lunch. We had a great time. Kim looks wonderful and even at 8 months pregnant: petite still. She's a natural beauty.
I have an appointment with Matt Wills, my brain surgeon, next week. I will be asking him about his thoughts about experimental treatments and that sort of thing. Maybe I'll be seeking treatment at the Tisch Brain Tumor Center at Duke yet. I'll let you know what he has to say.
I also want to say thanks to Bob and Vicki Owen for taking the time to come and see me. I have been a youth group volunteer with Ist Presbyterian since Bob and Vicki were very young. It is delightful for see how graceful and accomplished they are becoming as adults. Bob, good luck on your medical school aptitude exams (MCATs, right?) I am confident they will go well for you. I know your wonderful parents are very proud of you. There are no limits on your abilities.


Nate said...

Coming to Duke?

You and Ted Kennedy can hang out.

DanL said...

Hi John,
Ashley and I really enjoyed spending time with you and Karen. Dinner was awesome, too -- you're a master on the grill. A grill ninja.;) I feel like the time we got to spend with family on Saturday was exactly the sort of boost I needed to get started studying for the bar, and I think it's exactly the sort of thing I'll need to sustain me in the coming weeks. Ashley and I will not be scarce.

Take care,

Lil A said...

HEY, WE'RE IN HERE AFTER ALL ;). he he. We really enjoyed seeing you and mom this weekend. I missed our mornings having coffee at Lazio's. Alas, we will return to T-town here, shortly. There is still way too much to be done at the old place, and I really miss the vacuum (it and the carpet cleaner have been shacking up at the old place). Dan and I are looking forward to you both coming down to see us in the "Ta" (we'll make some dinner) then we can hit old town ;).
I was driving to the bank today, and passed your old block on Fountain made me think of you guys--- good ole "Smokey Fountain" tryin' to wheel and deal some free ice cream LOL.

Hope to see you guys soon!
Love ya!
Lil' A